When a New President Takes Office Who Decides What Executive Agreements Will Stay in Effect

When a new president takes office, one of the most pressing concerns is what executive agreements will remain in effect. Executive agreements are, essentially, agreements between the president and other heads of state or international organizations. They are a tool for presidents to negotiate and achieve diplomatic objectives without the need for Senate ratification.

While executive agreements may be useful in getting things done quickly and efficiently, they also pose a unique challenge for incoming presidents. Specifically, how does a new president decide which executive agreements to keep and which to discard?

The answer is complicated, and it ultimately depends on a variety of factors. Here are some of the key factors that may influence a new president`s decision-making process when it comes to executive agreements:

1. The nature of the agreement: The first thing a new president will likely consider is the nature of the executive agreement in question. Is it an agreement that is crucial to national security? Does it deal with a pressing international issue? Is it a relatively minor agreement that may not have much impact on the United States? The answers to these questions will help guide the president`s decision.

2. The opinion of advisors: A new president will likely have a team of advisors who will provide recommendations on which executive agreements to keep or discard. These advisors may include diplomats, legal experts, and other policy experts. They may provide insight into the potential benefits and drawbacks of each agreement.

3. The political landscape: Another factor that may influence a new president`s decision is the political landscape. If the president`s party controls both houses of Congress, the president may be more likely to keep executive agreements in place. Conversely, if the president is facing opposition from Congress, they may be more likely to discard executive agreements that could face scrutiny or opposition.

4. The president`s priorities: Finally, the president`s own priorities will play a role in their decision-making process. If the president has promised to make major changes in foreign policy, they may be more likely to discard executive agreements that don`t align with those priorities. Conversely, if the president wants to build on the achievements of the previous administration, they may be more likely to keep certain agreements in place.

Ultimately, the decision of which executive agreements to keep or discard will fall to the new president. They will need to carefully consider all of the factors outlined above, as well as any other relevant information, before making a decision. While this process may be complicated and challenging, it is critical to ensuring that the president can effectively navigate the complex world of international relations.

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